Data Providers

Now CandleScanner gives a free access to market data.

FREE end-of-day data is available for almost any market in the world: stocks, ETFs, indices, mutual funds, futures, commodities, forex or cryptocurrencies.

Here's the data coverage: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Israel, Europe, India, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Russia, South Africa, South Korea, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Singapore.

If you need more, in this section you will find the list of data providers, both free and paid, for many different markets (forex, stocks, futures), which you can use with CandleScanner. If you have a favorite data provider please feel free to let us know about your experience.

To import the data into CandleScanner please refer to the CandleScanner User Guide (chapter 3.2). CandleScanner supports ASCII text files (CSV) and binary MetaStock format.

  • Norgate Investor Services
    Recommended by CandleScanner
    Norgate Investor Services provides end-of-day data update services, and historical data, for selected exchanges and markets across Stocks, Futures and Forex. There is an easy-to-use Windows-based updating application for each of these security types.